General Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") govern your use of the Companyplatform, which connects job seekers, recruitment partners, and learning partners. By accessing or using the Company platform, you agree to be bound by this Agreement, our Privacy Policy, and any other applicable policies. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use the platform.

Company reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. Your continued use of the platform after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new terms.

2. Registration and Account

To use the Company platform, you must register for an account. You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information during the registration process and to update such information to keep it accurate, current, and complete. You must be a woman aged above 50 years to register at our platform.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information, including your password. You agree to notify Company immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security.

You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account. Company will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your account information.

3. Use of the Platform

You agree to use the Company platform only for lawful purposes and in accordance with this Agreement. You shall not use the platform to:

Violate any applicable law or regulation.

Post or transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.

Impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.

Disrupt or interfere with the security, integrity, or performance of the platform.

Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the platform if you violate any terms of this Agreement or if we have reason to believe that you have acted inappropriately.

4. Job Listings and Applications

Company may make available Job Ads, advertising employment opportunities and other job-related content, including links to third-party websites (“Job Listings” or “Job Ads”), through the Site’s search results or otherwise through the Site. Searching for Job Ads on the Site is free for Job Seekers. The Site displays Job Ads based on a combination of compensation paid by employers to Company and relevance, such as search terms, and other information provided and activities conducted on the Site. While Company may in some circumstances be compensated by employers who post Job Ads, helping keep Company job search free for Job Seekers, all Job Ads are considered advertising.

Job Ads are created and provided by third parties over whom Company exercises no control; you acknowledge and understand that Company has no control over the content of Job Ads, links to or from Job Ads, or any conditions third parties might impose once a Job Seeker has submitted an application or left the Site. For example, some of these third parties may attempt to charge Job Seekers a fee to apply to a particular job, although Companyendeavors not to make such Job Ads available on the Site. If you leave the CompanySite and choose to enter a third-party website, you accept any terms and conditions imposed by that third-party. Except for sponsored, featured or paid placements, the Job Ads contained on, or linked from, the Site are indexed or posted in an automated manner. Companyhas no obligation to screen any Job Ads, or to include any Job Ads, in its search results or other listings, and may exclude or remove any Job Ads from the Site or your search result without any obligation to provide reasoning for removal or exclusion. You understand and agree that Company has no obligation to present you with any or all Job Ads. We cannot confirm the accuracy or completeness of any Job Ad or other information submitted by any Employer or other user, including the identity of such Employer or other user. Company assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of any Job Ads, or other information submitted by any Employer or other user.

When you initiate a job application on a website operated by an Employer or its applicant tracking system, Company may collect certain information about you and any actions taken by you during your visit using automated means, such as via Application Programming Interfaces (API), cookies, pixels and web beacons. The information collected includes, for example, information about job listings you viewed and job applications you started and completed. An Employer who uses tracker functionality is required under this Agreement to provide any notice and obtain any prior consent, that may be required by applicable law. However, you acknowledge and agree that Company has no control over such an Employer or its website. You agree to Company’s use of, and receipt of information from, any such tracker functionality.

Job seekers can apply for jobs through the platform by submitting their applications and resumes. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application and resume are accurate and up-to-date.Company is not responsible for the outcome of any job application or for any employment decision made by a recruitment partner.

5. Resume and Profile

By creating a searchable resume through the site or uploading a file resume on the site, you are requesting and authorizing Company to make available Your Resume to anyone accessing our Site, such as Employers that Company believes may have an interest in Your Resume, users of Company’s Resume Search Program or anyone with access to the URL associated with your searchable resume. We offer you the option to make Your Resume searchable on the Site to help you find a job. You are responsible for keeping Your Resume accurate and up-to-date.

When you provide Your Resume on the Site, Your Resume is set to searchable on the Site (“Searchable”) by default. If you do not want Company to make available Your Resume to third parties or if you do not want Employers to contact you, set your Company Resume and uploaded file resume to not searchable on the Site (“Not Searchable”). Resumes that are not searchable on the Site are only made available to those to whom the Job Seeker has submitted an application or provided their resume. Applying to jobs or otherwise sharing Your Resume with Employers may result in Your Resume being copied and published even if it is set to Not Searchable. While you may change Your Resume privacy settings at any time, setting Your Resume to Not Searchable will not affect your previous applications or prevent employers you responded to from contacting you. Resumes set to Searchable, including yours, can be copied by search engines and other third parties accessing the Site, who can then make those Resumes publicly available elsewhere. Companydoes not control such third parties. If Your Resume is copied in this manner, then setting it to Not Searchable on the Site will not affect those third parties or the copies they have made of Your Resume. Changes to Your Resume on the Site may or may not be reflected on copies made by third parties. If you do not want Your Resume to ever be publicly visible or copyable, you must keep it set to Not Searchable. Company may set any Searchable resume to Non-Searchable, or otherwise make it unavailable, if it contains content prohibited by this Agreement or for any other reason in Company ’s sole discretion. Company assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for Your Resume, your information, or application information that you share with Employers or otherwise make public.

By creating or uploading Your Resume, you are requesting and authorizing Company, or an Company vendor, to review or scan Your Resume and provide your feedback (at Company’s discretion), including suggested changes, other jobs you may consider applying to because your qualifications may match their requirements, and suggestions for additional information you may want to include with your application to a particular job. We may also provide you with feedback through additional resume review services, such as helping you understand how your resume may be parsed by applicant tracking system software, feedback on ways to build a more effective resume, or a personalized resume review video. We provide this feedback directly to you, and may give you the ability to access it within your account. It is not made available to Employers. You agree that your use of any feedback or other information provided through resume review services is at your sole discretion. You are the only one responsible for deciding which jobs to apply to and what to include in your applications. Company assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for any actions you take based on any provided feedback. Company does not guarantee that any recommended jobs are suited for you.

By creating an Company Resume or uploading a file resume on the Site, Company may share with you Job Ads that match the contents of Your Resume. Company may also highlight to you items in Your Resume that may match qualifications from the Job Ad, or highlight to you items that appear in the Job Ad and may be missing from Your Resume. These highlights do not mean you are or are not qualified for the job or that you should or should not apply for it. Applying for such Job Ads does not guarantee job interviews or hiring. Even where Company highlights items or a Job Ad is shared with you, Company assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of Job Ads or highlights. By uploading a file resume on the Site, you agree that Company may convert your file resume to a different file type. It is your responsibility to review Your Resume to ensure that the content appears as you intend and that it contains the right information or any information you intend to include or update. If you see any inaccuracy in any such material, it is your responsibility to correct such information or to contact Company to do so. It may take a few days for updates to your account or Your Resume to be reflected. Company assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for Your Resume or other application information you post, send or receive through the Site.

If you have an Company account, an Company Resume, or an uploaded file resume, you agree that Company may associate Your Resume data with your profile on the Site (“CompanyProfile”). Your Company Profile consists of information you provide on the Site in the “Profile” section of your account. This includes your CompanyResume, your scores on any Company Assessments you may have taken, and any information that you choose to provide on the Site, such as your desired job title, job types, work schedule, qualifications, preferences, whether you are ready to work, or pay. As we continue to improve the Site, you may be presented with the option to apply for a role using your Company Profile. Information in your Company Profile, except as otherwise indicated on the Site, may be available to third parties, such as Employers. If you do not want Company to make your Company Profile available to third parties or if you do not want Employers to contact you, set your Company Resume and uploaded file resume to Not Searchable or remove Your Resume. Your response to an Company Assessment will be associated with your Company Profile. You may choose whether your Company Assessment response is available to Employers viewing your CompanyProfile. You can enable the ready to work feature on your profile to let Employers know that you can start work immediately. Company may disable that feature from your profile after a certain time, but you can manually enable it again.

To mitigate fraud, Company may mask or hide your contact information, for example, we may mask or hide your email address and/or phone number, from Your Company Profile, Your Resume, or application, and may substitute it with an alias. Companymakes no promise to you about whether all or part of your contact info will be masked or hidden, and the decision to mask or hide such info is in Company ’s sole discretion. Companymay also mask some or all of the Employer’s contact information, or an Employer may choose to mask their contact information when they contact you. In either case, you agree to an Employer contacting you from a masked phone number or email, and that you may not be able to return their call unless they provide their real number to you. Companyreserves the right to limit your ability to set Your Resume to Searchable, and may toggle a public resume to Not Searchable, at any time, to prevent illegal conduct, for fraud mitigation, or for any other reason in Company ’s discretion. Companymakes no guarantee that Your Resume will be shown to any particular Employer or that any portion of the CompanyResume database will be available to an Employer at any particular time.

In certain markets, Companyworks with organizations who are involved in helping Job Seekers find opportunities. Notwithstanding the possible use of the term “partner” or “partnership,” Company ’s engagement with these organizations does not create or imply a joint venture, partnership, principal-agent relationship, or any other form of joint enterprise between the “partner” organization and Company . In some instances, Companyshares limited information back to these organizations about Job Seekers if Job Seekers agree to such sharing. For example, confirmation that a Job Seeker has created an Companyaccount or used one of our Sites successfully (for example, by applying to a certain number of jobs or utilizing our career guides). These organizations may advertise their career services in partnership with Company . Companyis not responsible for, and disclaims all responsibility and liability for the activities of these organizations and their career services. Companydoes not guarantee the quality or effectiveness of any advice, recommendations, guidance or services you may receive from these third parties. You agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, Companywill have no liability arising from any interactions you have with such a third party organization.

In connection with Company ’s work with these organizations, Companymay offer Job Seekers opportunities to present particular skills and qualifications on their Resumes in connection with training programs or courses they have taken. Job Seekers are ultimately responsible for the contents of their Resumes or Profiles, as well as their job searches and applications. Companyassumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for Resume or application information that Job Seekers share with Employers or otherwise make public. Companymakes no guarantees regarding your job application experience, that your Resume will be shown to a particular Employer, that Employers will contact you, or that you will receive job interviews or job offers.

6. Applying to jobs through the site

Any resume or application information that you submit through the Site, including Personal Data included in a resume, application or responses to screener questions and assessments (“CompanyApply”), is subject to this Agreement (including Section D.3.) and to Company ’s Privacy Policy (all references on the Site to “Apply Now”, “Easily Apply”, “Simple Apply”, “Apply from your phone”, “Apply with Company ”, “RSVP to hiring event” or any similar references mean “CompanyApply.”). To maintain the quality of the Site and Services, Companyin its sole discretion may impose limits on your ability to apply to Job Listings or to other Companyservices. Use of any automation, scripting, or bots to automate the CompanyApply process outside of Company ’s official vendors and tooling is prohibited.

Prior to submitting your application through CompanyApply, you will be given the opportunity to review the information. It is important that you review this information carefully, including all attached files, to ensure that what is being submitted is accurate and complete, and that you are applying to your desired Employer. You are solely responsible for the contents of the application that you submit, including all attached files. Once you provide information to an Employer (whether in the form of a job application, resume, email, interview material or otherwise), Companydoes not have control over the Employer’s use or disclosure of that information. If you want to request the Employer delete, modify, or maintain confidence over any such information, you must make such a request directly to the Employer. Unsubscribing from calls from Employers through the Site does not apply to interviews you have already scheduled. If you require alternative methods for applying, you must approach the Employer directly to request such alternative method, as Companyis not responsible for the Employer application process.

When you ask Companyto submit your application or other information through CompanyApply, you are sending Your Resume and application information to Company , and you are requesting and authorizing Companyto make available such application information to the applicable Employer(s) for the indicated Job Listing(s). You further agree to Company ’s performance of automated processing in relation to your application, as such processing is an essential part of this Agreement. When you ask Companyto transmit an application or a message, including, but not limited to, a signed offer letter, to an Employer via CompanyApply or the Site’s relay system, or store such application, you understand that this is without warranty, and that Companyreserves the right to reformat such application or message. Additionally, you consent to your application and any responses sent to you by the Employer (including offer letters) through the Site being processed and analyzed by Companyaccording to this Agreement and Company ’s Privacy Policy.

You acknowledge and agree that Employers may request that Companyassemble your application materials, resume, answers to screener questions, assessment responses and other information you provide to Companyinto one document, and you agree that in doing so, Companyassembles these application materials on your behalf. When you apply to a job using CompanyApply, Companywill attempt to send your application to the contact information provided to us by an Employer or their Agent, which may include sending your application to an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or other service provider selected by the Employer. You agree that Employers can enable such service providers to access and manage their Companyaccounts, including by connecting to and integrating with APIs provided or used by Company . By applying for a job through the Site, you agree to Employer’s use of such service providers, and acknowledge that such use may involve an intermediary’s access to job applications sent to its Employer client. We cannot guarantee that such messages and applications will be delivered, received, accessed, read or acted upon. Companyalso does not guarantee that any Employer will receive, be notified about, access, read or respond to any such resume or other application material, or that there will be no mistakes in the transmission or storage of the data. Companydepends on the Employer or the Employer’s agent to provide Companywith the correct destination for all applications, and we cannot vouch for the validity of the contact information provided to us by Employers. If the electronic destination provided to Companyis incorrect, your application materials will not be sent to the intended recipient of the application. Further, Company does not guarantee that its integrations or the interface will be error-free. However, Company may alert you when any of the above events occur.

Job Ads may expire or otherwise be removed between the time you submit your application and the time it is received, in which cases your application will be void. Company has no responsibility for expired or removed Job Ads or for delivering applications prior to a Job Ad’s expiration or removal. Company and its third party providers may store your application and related information regardless of whether a Job Listing has been closed or is no longer available on the Site. We also cannot vouch for the technical capabilities of any third party sites, including but not limited to ATSs. Third party sites, including ATSs used by Employers, may disclaim liability for technical malfunctions, including the failure in the delivery of applications. We are not responsible if an ATS rejects or fails to deliver an application to an Employer for any reason. If you do not feel comfortable sending an application or messages in this manner, or having your application or messages stored by Companyon Company ’s or third party providers’ servers, do not use the CompanyApply or Companyrelay functions and please send your application or messages directly to the Employer by whatever other method you so choose, including the public mail system. You may contact the Employer directly to find alternative methods of application if you do not wish to apply through the Site. By using the CompanyApply system, you fully consent to the above.

By using CompanyApply and answering screener questions, you acknowledge that Employers may have instructed Companyto send out rejection notices if your answers do not match the answers sought by the Employer, and you acknowledge that Company has no discretion in the transmission of these rejections. Company may offer Employers the ability to activate a feature on their account called Employer Assist. Activating Employer Assist means the Employer is instructing Company to send a message on the Employer’s behalf to the Job Seeker informing them that the Employer has determined not to move forward with their application. These notices are automatically sent after a period of time selected by the Employer, unless the Employer indicates to Company their interest in your application. You acknowledge and agree that Companyhas no discretion in the sending of these messages, and that any such messages are solely a result of the Employer’s decision to activate Employer Assist and to not take an action on your application on the Site within the time period selected by the Employer. Any interactions the Employer has directly with you and not through a tool provided by Company(for example, calling or emailing you directly instead of through an CompanyRelay Service) are not visible to Company , and would not by themselves prevent an Employer Assist rejection notice from being sent. Company assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for the content, accuracy, validity, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of any Employer Assist notices.

By using CompanyApply and answering screener questions, you acknowledge that Employers may have instructed Companyto schedule interviews with Job Seekers who meet criteria (based on information the Job Seeker has provided to Company , such as answers to screener questions, resume, and CompanyAssessment Responses) that the Employers have selected, and based on the Employers’ availability. You agree that Companyhas no discretion in the transmission or storage of these interview invitations (which are purely mechanical), that transmission or storage is not guaranteed, and that the availability or criteria the Employer provided to Company may not be accurate. Company may request that Job Seekers confirm their interest in the position before scheduling an interview. It is ultimately your and the Employer’s responsibility to confirm whether any interviews were scheduled, or to reschedule or cancel interviews if necessary. The decision of who to interview is decided solely by the Employer, who can choose to interview any Job Seeker at any time.

Company may offer Employers functionality that groups applicants based on whether they meet or may meet Employers’ criteria, based on text in their resumes or answers to screener questions. In all cases, Employers can view any applicant at any time, and Company makes no decisions about any applicant. You agree that such functionality does not constitute or contribute to a decision, and is not a substitute for human discretion and review. The Employer is solely responsible for its screening and hiring decisions.

When you search for jobs on the CompanyJob Search app and proceed to apply for a job, including jobs on third party sites, the Site may suggest information from your Company profile to include in your application. It is your responsibility to review suggestions before accepting them and including them on your application.

You acknowledge that as part of its efforts to combat fraud and spam, Company may require that users verify their email address. When you apply to a job through the Site, you agree that you may be required to verify your email address, and that failure to verify may lead to your application being rejected.

7. Job Matching and Recommended Jobs

Job matches are recommendations which may be presented to both you as a Job Seeker and to Employers in various formats on the Site. For example, Company may recommend Job Ads which are similar to jobs to which you recently applied, or recommend Resumes to Employers which match Job Ads they post. Job matching is provided to you on a beta basis and is subject to our Beta Program (see section 9 of the Terms of Service for All Users).

To generate matches, Company uses data collected through our Site from both Employers and Job Seekers. This includes Job Ads, Your Resume, your application materials (including responses to screener questions), CompanyAssessments, and your activity on the Site (such as searches you run and Job Ads you click on and apply to). You agree and consent that Company may use this information to present potential matches to you and to potential Employers.

8. Communication and other actions on sites

By using the Company platform, you consent to the processing, analysis, review, and storage of your communications and materials (including job listings, resumes, messages, text messages, chats, emails, applications, and other related information). This processing may involve automated means for purposes such as data analysis, quality control, enforcement of platform rules, content moderation, and improvement of the platform and services. We may use statistical models, including AI and machine learning, and engage vendors to assist with these activities.

When an Employer interacts with your materials (e.g., viewing resumes or applications, pausing or closing job ads), Company may notify you of such actions. Notifications via the platform, email, or app are provided as a courtesy and should not be solely relied upon. It remains your responsibility to follow up directly with the Employer as needed.

Company may send text message reminders for scheduled interviews. By providing your phone number, you consent to receive these reminders, including those sent by automated systems. You agree to update your phone number on your Company account if it changes.

Company may provide in-app messaging, text messaging relay, email relay, or call relay services. Communication through these services should be limited to job application purposes. Company reserves the right to disable these features at its discretion and is not responsible for any delays, errors, or non-delivery of messages.

Company may use chatbots for actions such as job applications or scheduling. Communications with chatbots are recorded and analyzed for various purposes, including improving the platform. Company is not liable for any inaccuracies in chatbot-generated content.

If you create an account using only a phone number (“PNO Account”), be aware of limitations, such as difficulties in password recovery and risks associated with phone number changes. You must have a WhatsApp account to use a PNO Account.

If you consent to receive text messages for employer responses or interview updates, you can opt out by texting “STOP” to the relevant short code. Message and data rates may apply.

9. Virtual Interviews

Company may offer opportunities for you to participate in virtual, pre-recorded, and remote communications with Employers using its platform, including but not limited to, virtual interviews, remote evaluations, phone interviews, virtual meetings, and video interviews (collectively, "Virtual Interviews"). You acknowledge and agree that Company is not a telecommunications service provider and that the Virtual Interviews are facilitated through third-party services. Consequently, Company cannot guarantee the functionality or performance of these third-party services, and technical delays or malfunctions may occur.

Company does not guarantee the quality, security, or functionality of Virtual Interviews, including the transmission of phone or video communications, audio/visual content quality, data security, or compliance with data usage restrictions. Any issues related to the Virtual Interview experience, including transmission errors or quality concerns, are not the responsibility of Company. You release Company from any claims arising out of the use or performance of Virtual Interviews.

Company does not guarantee the Employer’s schedule or availability for Virtual Interviews. The accuracy of contact information provided by Employers is also not assured. Employers are solely responsible for their questions, comments, hiring decisions, and any accommodations needed during Virtual Interviews.

NOTICE: You understand and agree that an Employer may choose to record Virtual Interviews or provide the option for pre-recorded interviews. You must respect any notifications indicating that recording is enabled by or on behalf of an Employer. If you do not agree to be recorded, you should refrain from participating in the Virtual Interview or immediately exit the session. By participating in a Virtual Interview, you consent to recording, and you agree that Company and third-party providers may store, access, and analyze such recordings. You further agree that Employers can access, store, use, analyze, and share recorded content, and this activity is beyond Company’s control. Company is not liable for any claims arising from the recording of Virtual Interviews, and you release Company from such claims.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, there is no protection for any information, data, or content you share or transmit during Virtual Interviews, including audio/visual content, interview questions and answers, or your likeness. Company does not assume any responsibility for securing or protecting such data and assumes no liability for any misuse of information shared through Virtual Interviews. Additionally, Company does not guarantee the availability or retention of any recordings from Virtual Interviews. You access and use Virtual Interviews at your own discretion and risk, and Company disclaims all liability related to your use of Virtual Interviews.

10. Screening Tools

Company may provide Employers with access to various screening tools for use in the application process, including but not limited to, screener questions, phone screening tools, and assessments (collectively, "Screening Tools"). These tools are licensed to Employers for their use as determined by the Employers. As a Job Seeker, you acknowledge and agree that any use of Screening Tools is at the discretion of the Employer, and the questions and criteria applied are determined solely by the Employer, not by Company.p>

The Employer is solely responsible for the content and use of the Screening Tools, including any determinations about which answers qualify a candidate and any results that may have a “disparate impact.” Company does not act as an employment agency and is not responsible for procuring employment opportunities or candidates. Company merely provides a platform and tools for Employers and Job Seekers to exchange information.

By using Screening Tools, you acknowledge that Company does not act as an employment agency and is not involved in the procurement of employees for Employers or opportunities for Job Seekers. The responsibility for the content of Screening Tools, interview requests, job offers, and any issues arising from the acceptance or denial of employment lies solely with the Employers or Job Seekers, as applicable.

11. Learning and Upskilling

Company is not a university or accredited educational institution, but rather a platform that connects Job Seekers with Learning Providers offering a variety of educational courses, training programs, and professional development opportunities (each a “Learning Partner”). Company collaborates with both Indian and international Learning Providers, including educational institutions, corporations, NGOs, and other entities.

Access to such Learning Resources is governed by the terms and conditions established by the respective Learning Partners. You agree to comply with all terms and conditions set forth by these Learning Partners in relation to the use of their Learning Resources.

If a Program Certificate is awarded, it will be issued upon the participant’s fulfillment of the specific criteria and requirements set by Company and/or the Learning Partner. However, the awarding of academic credit, formal certification, or any other credential associated with a Learning Partner is the sole responsibility of that Learning Partner and is subject to their independent policies and procedures.

You acknowledge and agree that Company does not endorse, warrant, or guarantee the effectiveness, quality, or suitability of any Learning Resources or courses offered by Learning Partners. Company makes no representations regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content provided by Learning Partners. The inclusion of any Learning Resources on the Company platform does not imply an endorsement or recommendation by Company.

It is your responsibility to review and understand the terms and conditions of each Learning Partner before enrolling in or utilizing any Learning Resources. Company is not responsible for any disputes, issues, or claims arising from your use of Learning Resources provided by Learning Partners.

Company reserves the right to modify or discontinue access to Learning Resources at any time, without prior notice. Any such changes may affect the availability, content, or features of the Learning Resources provided.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or related to your use of Learning Resources or any interaction with Learning Partners. This includes, but is not limited to, any claims arising from the quality, accuracy, or effectiveness of the Learning Resources or any issues related to enrollment, access, or use of the Learning Resources.

The Company platform may contain links to websites or content provided by Learning Partners. These links are provided for your convenience and do not imply endorsement or approval by Company. Company is not responsible for the content, practices, or policies of any third-party websites or resources linked through the Company platform.

12. Job Seeker Data

As a Job Seeker on our Site, Company collects and stores information such as job searches, job views, applications, and activity on the Site. We may also use automated tools to gather information about your interactions with Employer websites. This data helps us suggest relevant jobs and communicate with you about job opportunities.

If you provide demographic information, such as race or gender, Company may use it to improve our services and share aggregated summaries with employers. You can request removal of this data if you prefer not to share it.

Company may display labels or badges on profiles based on activity but does not guarantee their accuracy. For a detailed explanation of how we manage your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

13. Fees and Payments

The use of the Company platform may involve fees for certain services or features. Generally, job seekers are not required to pay to access job listings or apply for jobs. However, fees may be applicable for accessing premium features or services, such as advanced job matching, resume enhancements, career coaching, or other value-added services. Details of these fees, including the scope and pricing of such services, will be clearly outlined on the platform. By using any paid features or services, you agree to pay the applicable fees as specified on the platform.

All payments for any fees associated with the use of premium features or services must be made through the payment methods specified on the platform. These methods may include credit/debit cards, electronic funds transfers, or other online payment systems. You are responsible for ensuring that your payment information is accurate, up-to-date, and sufficient to cover the fees

Fees for premium features or services will be billed according to the pricing terms disclosed at the time of purchase. You agree to pay all applicable fees in accordance with the billing terms provided. Any charges incurred will be automatically debited from the payment method you provide.

Company reserves the right to change its fees and payment terms at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you through the platform or via email, and will take effect as specified in the notice of change.

14.Intellectual Property Rights

Ownership and Protection

Company's Intellectual Property:
All content and materials available on the Company platform, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, software, images, audio clips, video clips, data compilations, and any other proprietary information (collectively, "Content"), are the exclusive property of Company or its licensors and are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright, trademark, patent, and trade secret laws. The design, layout, and organization of the platform are also protected by intellectual property rights.

Third-Party Intellectual Property:
The platform may include content, materials, or technologies that are licensed from third parties or that are otherwise subject to third-party intellectual property rights. Such third-party intellectual property is used on the platform under license or with permission and remains the property of the respective third-party owners. This includes, but is not limited to, any content provided by learning partners, advertising partners, or other third parties.

Limited License

Third-Party Intellectual Property:
Subject to your compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Company grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use the platform and its Content for personal, non-commercial purposes only. This license allows you to view, download, and print Content solely for your personal, non-commercial use.

1. Copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, perform, distribute, or otherwise exploit any Content on the platform without the prior written consent of Company.
2. Use the Content in any manner that infringes upon Company's or any third party's intellectual property rights.
3. Remove, alter, or obscure any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices from the Content.

Third Party Content

Usage of Third-Party Contenty:
The inclusion of third-party content on the platform does not imply endorsement or affiliation with the respective third parties. You acknowledge and agree that Company is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or appropriateness of such third-party content. Any use of third-party content must be in accordance with the terms specified by the respective third parties.

Obtaining Third-Party Permissions:
If you wish to use any third-party content in a manner that is beyond the scope of the license granted under this Agreement, you must obtain permission directly from the third-party rights holders. Company shall not be liable for any infringement of third-party intellectual property rights arising from your use of such content.

Feedback and Contributions

Ownership of Feedback:
Any feedback, suggestions, or other contributions provided by you regarding the platform (collectively, "Feedback") shall become the exclusive property of Company. Company may use, disclose, and incorporate such Feedback into the platform or its business without any obligation to you.

No Right to Use:
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting you any rights, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights of Company or its licensors, other than the limited license expressly granted herein.


Notification of Infringement:
If you believe that any content on the platform infringes upon your intellectual property rights, you must notify Company immediately using the contact information provided on the platform. Company will investigate and, if appropriate, take action to address the alleged infringement.

Legal Remedies:
Company reserves the right to take legal action to enforce its intellectual property rights, including seeking injunctive relief and damages, in the event of any unauthorized use or infringement of its intellectual property.

15. Adherence to Additional Terms

General Terms and Conditions:
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge and agree that you are also bound by the General Terms and Conditions as provided in the platform applicable to all users of the Company Platform. These General Terms and Conditions are incorporated by reference and form an integral part of this agreement.

Privacy Policy:
You further acknowledge that you have read and understood the Company Privacy Policy, which governs the collection, use, and protection of your personal information. By using the Platform, you consent to the practices described in the Privacy Policy, which is also incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions

Additional Conditions:
In addition to the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, you agree to comply with any additional terms and conditions or policies that may be provided by Company from time to time. This includes, but is not limited to, specific terms related to individual services, features, or promotions offered by Company. Such additional terms and conditions will be provided to you as applicable and are considered part of this agreement.

Updates and Modifications:
Company reserves the right to update or modify the General Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and any additional conditions at its sole discretion. You will be notified of any significant changes, and your continued use of the Platform after such modifications constitutes your acceptance of the revised terms.

General Terms and conditions for all users

1. Acceptance of Terms

1.1. By accessing, browsing, or using the Company website or any services provided on or through the website (collectively, the "Platform"), you agree to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions (the "Terms"). These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you ("User") and Company. If you do not agree to these Terms, you should not access or use the Platform.

1.2. These Terms are supplementary and apply in conjunction with any specific terms and conditions ("Specific T&Cs") that govern the particular services or functionalities you access through the Company Platform.

1.3. By engaging in any service provided by Company, whether as a Job Seeker, Recruiting Partner, Learning Provider, or any other role, you agree that these Terms, along with the applicable Specific T&Cs, form an integrated and binding agreement between you and Company.

1.3. By engaging in any service provided by Company, whether as a Job Seeker, Recruiting Partner, Learning Provider, or any other role, you agree that these Terms, along with the applicable Specific T&Cs, form an integrated and binding agreement between you and Company.

1.4. Company reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Platform. Your continued use of the Platform following the posting of revised Terms means that you accept and agree to the changes.

1.5. Your continued use of the Company Platform and its services signifies your acceptance of both these General T&Cs and any applicable Specific T&Cs, which together govern your relationship with Company.

1.6. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these Terms and any Specific T&Cs, the Specific T&Cs shall prevail with respect to the particular service being utilized, but only to the extent necessary to resolve such conflict or inconsistency. All other provisions of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.


2.1. By using the Platform, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into these Terms. If you are using the Platform on behalf of an organization, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that organization to these Terms.

3.Refund Policy

3.1. Company maintains a strict no-refund policy for all services, subscriptions, courses, and other transactions conducted through the Company platform. By using our services and making payments through the platform, you acknowledge and agree that all sales are final, and no refunds will be issued under any circumstances, except as expressly provided below.

3.2. In the event that your account is blocked or terminated by Company due to no fault of your own and not due to any violation of our General Terms and Conditions, Specific Terms and Conditions, or any other applicable policies, Company will issue a refund on a pro-rata basis. The refund will be calculated based on the remaining duration of the service or subscription that was active at the time your account was blocked. The pro-rata refund will be determined by dividing the total amount paid for the service by the number of days in the subscription period and multiplying the result by the number of days remaining in the subscription period at the time of the account block.

3.3. If a Job Seeker has purchased a course through Company, it is the Job Seeker's responsibility to review and understand the refund policy of the specific Learning Provider offering the course. Company is not responsible for processing refunds for courses, and all refund requests should be directed to the respective Learning Provider in accordance with their refund policy.

3.4. If you choose to close your account or terminate your use of the Company platform services voluntarily, no refunds will be provided. All payments made prior to account closure or service termination will be forfeited.

3.5. Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to review and decide on any refund requests that fall outside the terms outlined in this Refund Policy. However, Company is under no obligation to grant refunds under any circumstances beyond those expressly stated in this policy.

3.6. If you are eligible for a refund under the terms of this policy, Company will process the refund within thirty (30) days of determining eligibility. Refunds will be issued using the original payment method used for the purchase unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties. Company is not responsible for any delays in the processing of refunds due to issues with your payment provider or bank.

3.7. Company reserves the right to modify or update this Refund Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the Refund Policy will be effective immediately upon posting on the Company platform. Your continued use of the platform following any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Refund Policy.

3.8. For any questions or concerns regarding this Refund Policy, please contact Company customer support at __________________.

4.User Conduct Policy

4.1. Whether you have taken any services offered by Company or are simply browsing the Company Platform, your access to the Platform or Company classifies you as a ‘user’ under these Terms and Conditions. As a user, you bear full responsibility for all your actions and activities in connection with your use of the Platform. You agree to adhere strictly to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, treaties, and regulations in connection with such use and shall refrain from any unethical practices while using the Platform.

4.2.Prohibited Conduct : Without limitation, you agree not to engage in any of the following prohibited activities:

Unethical Practices:
○ You shall not post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any communication, solicitation, or other form of phishing, pharming, or whaling designed to obtain passwords, account information, personal data, financial information, confidential details, or private information from any other user or third party on the Platform.
○ If any such event occurs, Company shall not be liable for any loss of data, compromise of your device, computer system, or any other property.

Harassment and Disharmony:
○ You shall not post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any communication, solicitation, or other form of phishing, pharming, or whaling designed to obtain passwords, account information, personal data, financial information, confidential details, or private information from any other user or third party on the Platform.
○ You shall not create an atmosphere of disharmony, hostility, or intimidation within any user groups or forums on the Platform.

Academic Integrity:
○ You shall not engage in cheating on any assignments, quizzes, tests, or exams associated with any Program on the Platform.
○ You shall not post or share any secured testing materials online.
○ You shall not distribute solutions to homework assignments or exams.

Reporting Misconduct:
○ You agree to notify the appropriate authorities on the Platform immediately if you become aware of any other user engaging in cheating or breaching these Terms.
○ You shall comply with any specific code of conduct applicable to the Program you are enrolled in.

4.3. Content Restrictions:
○ You shall not host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, store, update, or share any content that:
• Belongs to another person or entity without legal rights to such content.
• Is defamatory, libellous, fraudulent, obscene, indecent, or profane.
• Involves pornography, pedophilia, or invasion of another’s privacy.
• Encourages or relates to money laundering, gambling, or any illegal activities.
• Is harmful to minors or infringes on any patent, trademark, copyright, or proprietary rights.
• Violates any law currently in force or is inconsistent with or contrary to the laws of any applicable jurisdiction.
• Deceives or misleads about the origin of the content or communicates information that is patently false or misleading.
• Impersonates another person or entity.
• Threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security, or sovereignty of any country, or causes incitement to the commission of any offense.
• Contains software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, or other harmful components intended to damage, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer resource.
• Contains intentionally inaccurate information or is posted with the intent of misleading others.
• Includes any form of advertising or commercial solicitation unless expressly authorized by Company.
• Is related to partisan political activities or contains any content that encourages illegal activities.
• Violates the rights of other users of the Platform, including intellectual property rights, privacy rights, and other legal rights.
Automated Access:
• You shall not use high-volume automated tools such as robots, spiders, or scripts to access the Platform.
Content Compliance:
• You shall ensure that any content you post or share on the Platform complies with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, and does not advocate or encourage any illegal activity.

4.4. Reporting and Enforcement:
Company reserves the right to monitor user activity on the Platform and to report any suspicious, unethical, or illegal activity to the appropriate legal or law enforcement authorities without notice to you. Company may also remove any content that violates this User Conduct Policy and may take appropriate legal action against users who breach these terms.

4.5. Acknowledgment and Acceptance:
By using the Company Platform, you acknowledge and agree to fully comply with this User Conduct Policy. Any violation of this Policy may result in the termination of your account, suspension of access to the Platform, and legal action as deemed appropriate by Company.

5. User Content:
The Platform may facilitate various interactions, including but not limited to forum posts, chats with other users and Company’s support team, user discussions, profile pages, and other forms of content and media for social interaction. Additionally, users may submit information and materials related to the Programs, such as questions, hypotheticals, examples, assignments, and industry projects (collectively, "User Content").
5.1. Ownership: Company does not claim ownership of any User Content that you submit or make available through the Platform or Programs. As such, you will retain sole and exclusive ownership of all rights, title, and interest in and to your User Content, subject to the license granted herein.
5.2. License Grant: By submitting User Content to the Platform or Programs, you grant Company an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform, and publicly display such User Content on the Platform or in connection with the Programs. This license includes the right to sublicense these rights through multiple tiers for any purpose, including commercial purposes. Company reserves the right to remove any User Content at its discretion and without prior notice.
5.3. Representations and Warranties: You represent and warrant that:
• You have all necessary rights, licenses, and clearances to submit the User Content and to permit Company to use such User Content as outlined in this clause.
• The User Content is accurate, complete, and not misleading.
• You are responsible for any third-party fees related to the provision and use of your User Content.
• The User Content does not infringe or misappropriate any third-party rights and does not constitute a fraudulent statement, misrepresentation, or unfair business practice.
5.4. Disclaimer: Company does not control User Content posted through the Platform, including messages, reviews, or comments, and makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy, integrity, or quality of such User Content. Company is not liable for any errors, omissions, loss, damage, or defamation arising from your posting or use of any User Content. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your User Content complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

6. Limitation of Liability:
6.1. The Company platform is provided on an "as-is" and "as-available" basis. Company makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the platform, its Content, or its availability. This includes, but is not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, reliability, completeness, or non-infringement.
6.2. Company does not guarantee that the platform will be uninterrupted, error-free, or free of viruses or other harmful components. Company does not warrant the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through the platform, and any reliance on such information is at your own risk.
6.3. In no event shall Company, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, or agents be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or related to your use of the platform. This includes, but is not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, goodwill, or other intangible losses, even if Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
6.4. Company shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or related to your use of the platform that are not direct damages. This includes, but is not limited to, any damages resulting from interruptions, errors, or defects in the platform.
6.5. Our liability for any direct damages arising out of or related to your use of the platform shall not exceed the amount you have paid to Company for the use of the platform in the six months preceding the claim. This limitation of liability is exclusive and shall apply regardless of the nature of the claim, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise.
6.6. The remedies provided in this Agreement are your sole and exclusive remedies for any breach of this Agreement or for any other claim related to your use of the platform.

7. Indemnification:
7.1. Obligation to Indemnify: You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Company, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives (collectively, "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments, settlements, fines, penalties, costs, and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and costs (collectively, "Claims"), arising out of or related to:
• Your Use of the Platform:
Any use of the Company platform or any related services by you or your authorized users, including but not limited to any content or materials you submit, post, or transmit via the platform.
• Breach of Agreement:
Any breach or alleged breach of this Agreement by you, including any of your representations, warranties, or covenants contained herein.
• Violation of Rights:
Any infringement or alleged infringement of any intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or other rights of any third party resulting from your use of the platform or any content you submit or transmit.
• Misrepresentation:
Any misrepresentation or fraudulent activity committed by you in connection with your use of the platform.
7.2. Defense of Claims:
7.2.1. Duty to Defend: Upon request by Company, you shall promptly defend any Claims brought against the Indemnified Parties, at your own expense, with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to Company.
7.2.2. Cooperation: You agree to cooperate with Company and its legal representatives in the defense of any such Claims and to provide all relevant information, documents, and assistance reasonably required by Company.
7.3. ○ You shall not settle any Claim or make any admission of liability or fault without the prior written consent of Company, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
7.4. ○ The indemnification obligations under this section shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement and your use of the platform.
7.5. ○ The indemnity obligations set forth in this section are in addition to any other rights or remedies available to Company under this Agreement or at law or equity.

8. Warranty Disclaimer:
8.1. The Platform and/or Programs may contain typographical errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or current. Company reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions (including after an order has been submitted) and to change or update information at any time without prior notice.
8.2. Company provides the Platform and Programs, including job search, recruitment, and learning services, on an "as is" and "as available" basis. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Company makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the Platform, Programs, or any related content, services, or materials. This includes, but is not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
8.3. Job Search Services: Company does not guarantee the availability, suitability, or accuracy of any job listings or opportunities posted on the Platform. The job search services are provided to facilitate connections between job seekers and recruiters, but Company makes no warranties regarding the outcome or success of any job application, interview, or employment obtained through the Platform.
8.4. Recruitment Services: Company acts as an intermediary between job seekers and recruiters, but does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or effectiveness of any recruitment services or placements. Company does not warrant that recruiters will review, consider, or accept job applications or that any specific job placement will be achieved.
8.5. Learning Services: Company provides access to learning materials and Programs through partnerships with Learning Partners. Company does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or effectiveness of any learning materials, courses, or educational content. The results and benefits of participating in any learning Program may vary and are not guaranteed.
8.6. Accuracy and Reliability: Company does not warrant that the Platform or Programs will be uninterrupted, error-free, secure, or free from viruses or other harmful components. Company also does not guarantee that any information or content provided on or through the Platform or Programs will be accurate, complete, reliable, or current. Any reliance on such information is at your own risk.
8.7. Third-Party Content: The Platform may include content, materials, or services provided by third parties, including Educational Partners, recruiters, and other users. Company does not control, endorse, or assume any responsibility for such third-party content, materials, or services. Your use of third-party content, materials, or services is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of the third party.
8.8. No Advice or Endorsement: Any advice, recommendations, or opinions provided through the Platform or Programs are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice or endorsements by Company. You should seek appropriate professional advice before making any decisions based on such information.
8.9. Limitation of Liability: To the maximum extent permitted by law, Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or related to your use of the Platform or Programs, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, data, or other intangible losses, even if Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
8.10. No Warranty for User Content: Company does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or legality of any User Content (as defined in the User Content clause) posted or submitted by users of the Platform. You are solely responsible for the content you submit and for ensuring that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
8.11. Changes to Warranty: Company reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Platform or Programs, including the warranty disclaimers, at any time without prior notice.

9. Termination Rights:
9.1. Termination by Company: You acknowledge and agree that Company, in its sole discretion, may deactivate your account or terminate your access to the Platform, Programs, or any other services provided by Company, with or without cause, and with or without prior notice to you. This may occur if Company believes, in its sole judgment, that you have:
• Breached the Terms: Violated any provision of these Terms or any other applicable policies or codes of conduct;
• Infringed Intellectual Property Rights: Engaged in activities that infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of Company or any third party;
• Posted Unauthorized Content: Uploaded, posted, or transmitted any content that is unauthorized, unlawful, or violates the rights of others;
• Acted Inconsistently: Acted in a manner inconsistent with the letter or spirit of these Terms, including but not limited to unethical or disruptive behavior.
9.2. Effect of Termination: Upon termination of your access to the Platform or Programs:
• Immediate Deactivation: Company may immediately deactivate your account and revoke your access to all or any part of the Platform or Programs;
• No Liability: Company shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your account, access, or enrollment. This includes any potential loss of data, opportunities, or benefits arising from such termination;
• Retention of Information: Notwithstanding the termination of your account or enrollment, Company may retain and store your information on its systems, as required by law or for the purposes of maintaining records and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.
9.3. Termination by You: You may terminate your account or access to the Platform by following the procedures specified on the Platform or by contacting Company’s support team. Termination by you will not relieve you of any obligations incurred prior to termination and will not entitle you to any refund or compensation.
9.4. Survival of Terms: Any provisions of these Terms that by their nature should survive termination shall survive the termination of your account or access, including but not limited to provisions related to intellectual property, liability, and dispute resolution.
9.5. Finality of Termination: Termination of your account or access is at Company’s sole discretion and is final. There shall be no right to appeal or reinstate access once terminated.

10. Miscellaneous:
10.1. Transfer and Assignment: Company may transfer or assign any of its rights or delegate its obligations under these Terms or any Program-specific terms at its discretion. You may not transfer or assign any of your rights or delegate any of your obligations under these Terms or any Program-specific terms without the prior written consent of Company. Any unauthorized transfer or assignment shall be null and void.
10.2. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: These Terms and any Program-specific terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India, as applied to agreements entered into and performed entirely within India. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms or any Program-specific terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Bangalore. In the event of a dispute, parties agree to attempt to resolve the matter through good faith negotiations. If such negotiations fail, disputes shall be referred to arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, as amended, before a sole arbitrator appointed by Company. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and the seat of arbitration shall be Bangalore.
10.3. Severability: If any provision of these Terms or any Specific T&Cs is found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be deemed severable from the other provisions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
10.4. Force Majeure: Company shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under these Terms or any Specific T&Cs due to events beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to natural disasters, war, lockdown, terrorism, civil unrest, strikes, or other events of force majeure.
10.5. No Waiver: The failure of Company to enforce any right or provision of these Terms or any Program-specific terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Terms or any Specific T&Cs is found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the parties agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision, to the extent permissible by law, and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
10.6. Entire Agreement: These Terms and any Specific T&Cs constitute the entire agreement between you and Company concerning the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior or contemporaneous understandings and agreements, whether written or oral, regarding such subject matter. Any modifications to these Terms or any Specific T&Cs must be made in writing and posted on the Platform or through a specific writing between you and Company.
10.7. Grievance Redressal: If you have any grievances or concerns related to the Platform or Programs, you may contact our Grievance Officer, who will make reasonable efforts to address your concern within 30 working days from the date of escalation. Please escalate your complaint to the Grievance Officer only after raising the issue through the Platform or customer support, if not resolved to your satisfaction.
• Grievance Officer: ____________
• Email: _______________
• Contact Numbers: ______________
• Address: _____________________
10.8. Notices: Any notices or communications required under these Terms or any Program-specific terms should be sent to Company at the addresses specified above.

Terms and Conditions for Recruiting Partners

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions (the "Agreement") govern the relationship between Company (hereinafter referred to as "Company," "we," "us," or "our") and the Recruiting Partners ("Recruiting Partner" or "you") who utilize our platform for job postings, recruitment activities, and related services. By registering as a Recruiting Partner and using our platform, you agree to comply with and be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, you must discontinue using the platform immediately.

2. Eligibility and Conduct

Recruiting Partners must have a valid business license and authorization to recruit on behalf of their clients. You must have to share the license during the account registration. You represent and warrant that you have the authority to enter into this Agreement and fulfill your obligations hereunder. You agree to conduct yourself in a professional manner, adhering to all applicable laws and regulations. You must not post any misleading, false, or fraudulent job listings or Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Jobs or engage in any unethical recruitment practices.

3. Recruiting Partner Account

To access the platform’s services, you must create an account. You agree to provide accurate and complete information during registration and to update such information as necessary.

When you create an account, Company may require that you verify your identity. You may be presented with different options for verification, including through a third-party service provider. When you use a third-party service provider, you are interacting directly with the third-party service provider, and you share your identification and identity with the third-party service provider, directly. You agree that the third-party service provider is solely responsible for any collection, use, storage, processing, or loss of data you provide, and any legal obligations related to such activities, including the capture or storage of any biometric identification or biometric identifiers. Company does not collect any biometric information or biometric identifiers, or receive any biometric information or biometric identifiers from third-party service provider.

When you access or use the Site in your capacity as an employee or other representative of a Recruiting Partner, or if you create an account on behalf of a Recruiting Partner, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind the Recruiting Partner to this Agreement. When you create an account on behalf of a Recruiting Partner, the account belongs to the Recruiting Partner, and you acknowledge that any and all information that you provide Company through the account, such as the actions you take and when you take them, will be visible to the Recruiting Partner. As part of this account, you may have an individual profile (“Recruiting Partner Profile”). Your Recruiting Partner Profile consists of information you provide on the Site in the “Account Settings” and “Recruiting Partner Settings” section of the account.

As a Recruiting Partner, your account is for business use and not for personal use. Company is not responsible for and disclaims all liability if your email is used improperly or falsely by a third party. By registering, you agree to receive mandatory email updates regarding account activity to your account. If you attempt to send an email from a name or email address that is not true, accurate, current or complete, we reserve the right to drop such email, and attempting to send such email is a violation of our terms. Recruiting Partner may request Company to disable the account at any time by contacting us. Please note that Company may be required to preserve business records pertaining to that account to comply with its obligations under law. Alternatively, if an Recruiting Partner agent wishes to access or delete their Personal Data held by Company, they should follow the steps listed in the Privacy Policy of the Company.

4. Recruitment Posts

The job services offered on the Company platform are designed to assist you in reaching high-quality candidates for job opportunities. You are responsible for:
1. Postings and Content: All job postings and content submitted by or on your behalf through the Company platform, including but not limited to job descriptions, creatives, trademarks, images, URLs, and pixels that comprise the postings or content (collectively referred to as "Postings").
2. Destinations: All content and property to which Postings may direct viewers, as well as any redirects ("Destinations").

Company also offers the option to “sponsor” a Posting (“Sponsored Jobs”), which, for an additional fee, will secure enhanced placement of the Posting on designated pages and in emails within the platform. Company will determine the size, placement, and positioning of your Postings based on platform inventory availability.

You are responsible for all activities conducted through your account, including any purchases made or charges incurred. If you are using the Company platform on behalf of a business, you agree that Company may share information about your purchases and use of the platform with that business, including its representatives and agents. If that business indicates that you are no longer authorized to place ads or make changes on its behalf (e.g., if you leave the business or change roles), you agree to be removed from accounts associated with that business. You may not resell or transfer access to the Company platform to any other party.

Each Posting must be for a single job opportunity. Postings must not solicit applications for multiple positions or aggregate job opportunities into one listing.

Without limiting the prohibitions outlined in the User Agreement or any other applicable agreement, you agree that you will not, and you will not enable or authorize any third party, to:
1. Misrepresentation: Create Postings without a legitimate intent to hire for a bona fide job opportunity or the specific position listed, or intentionally misrepresent the job, hiring company, or poster.
2. Disclosure: Clearly disclose if a position is for an independent contractor, part-time, piecework, commission-based, or has other nontraditional working conditions or compensation.
3. Business Opportunities: Post "business opportunities" that require payments or recruitment of others, or that resemble franchises, multi-level marketing, club memberships, distributorships, or are predominantly commission-based.
4. Data Privacy: Provide identifiable candidate resume or application data to any other parties without consent.
5. Spam and Harassment: Engage in spamming or otherwise contact applicants for purposes unrelated to the specific employment opportunity described in the Posting, or harass, stalk, or contact applicants after they have requested not to be contacted.
6. Compliance: Post jobs in the United States without possessing valid Federal or State Employer Identification Numbers (if applicable) or create Postings in any other location that does not comply with applicable tax and employment laws.
7. Employment Costs: Create Postings for jobs that require applicants to pay for employment or otherwise bear costs related to employment in violation of applicable laws.
8. Legal Violations: Create Postings or engage in recruitment or hiring practices that violate the laws of your state or country, the state or country where the job is to be performed, or any other relevant jurisdiction.
9. Discrimination: Engage in solicitations, communications, or transactions that violate employment discrimination laws or laws governing legal eligibility to work.
10. Fraud and Automation: Engage in illegal or fraudulent conduct, use automated means or data scraping to access, modify, download, query, or otherwise collect information from the platform, or copy, modify, or create derivative works of the platform or any related technology.
11. Malware: Create Postings that contain malware, spyware, or other malicious code, or otherwise interfere with the operation of the Company platform, devices, or systems, or breach or circumvent any security measures.

Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, suspend, or terminate any part or all of the job services or your access to the platform. We may reject or remove any Posting at any time for any reason, regardless of whether such Posting was previously accepted or served.

5. Job Matching and Screening Tools

Company provides job matching tools that help identify potential candidates based on the criteria set forth in your job listings. Company does not guarantee the accuracy or success of these matching tools. The platform may offer screening tools such as automated assessments, background checks, and interview scheduling. Recruiting Partners are responsible for evaluating and selecting candidates, and Company disclaims any liability for the performance or suitability of candidates..

6. HR Management Tools

Company may offer HR management tools that assist in tracking candidate progress, managing interviews, and communicating with job applicants. These tools are provided "as-is," and Company makes no warranties regarding their functionality or accuracy. You shall be responsible for ensuring that all candidate data collected through the platform is handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

7. Campaigning Tools

Company may offer tools for running recruitment campaigns, including job advertisements, email marketing, and social media promotions. You are responsible for the content and targeting of these campaigns. You must ensure that all recruitment campaigns comply with applicable advertising and privacy laws. Company reserves the right to suspend campaigns that violate these terms.

8. Communications through the site

Company may send notifications related to your activity or the activity of job seekers via the platform, email, or app. These notifications are provided as a courtesy and should not be relied upon exclusively. For example, if you need to schedule an interview, it is your responsibility to follow up directly with the job seeker.

When using Company’s messaging services, you understand that:

Communications facilitated through Company’s messaging system or third-party providers are intended solely for hiring purposes. Company may enable or disable these services at its discretion, and technical issues with third-party services may cause delays.

Contact Information:
Company may mask or substitute contact details with an alias. You agree to accept contact from masked information and understand that Company is not liable for how job seekers use the provided contact information once shared.

Message Handling:
Messages sent via Company’s platform may be processed, reviewed, and stored for purposes such as quality control and data analysis. Company may group or display messages differently based on platform functionality.

For any promotional services like Text to Apply or Scan to Apply:

Service Use:
You acknowledge that these services are available only for sponsored job ads and agree to comply with any related requirements. Company may modify or terminate these services at its discretion without prior notice.

Sign Content:
You are responsible for the content and placement of any promotional materials, ensuring they do not infringe on third-party rights or violate existing contracts. Use of Company’s trademarks in materials must adhere to Company’s guidelines.

You may cancel these services at any time by removing promotional materials and notifying Company’s representative. During the cancellation process, you may continue to receive communications related to the service.

9. Virtual Interviews

Company may provide options to manage virtual and remote communications with job seekers through our platform. This may include features such as scheduling, video conferencing, and virtual meetings. However, Company is not a telecommunications service provider and disclaims all warranties regarding the transmission and quality of these virtual communications. We do not guarantee the availability, quality, or scheduling of these services, nor do we verify the identities or qualifications of job seekers involved in virtual interviews.

You are responsible for ensuring alternative communication methods are available for individuals with disabilities, as required by applicable laws.

Data and Security:
Any information shared or data transmitted during virtual interviews, including audio/video content and interview questions, is not protected by Company. We are not responsible for securing or protecting this data, nor do we guarantee the availability or retention of recordings. Company assumes no liability for the misuse of data or any issues arising from virtual interviews.

Upon request, Company may extend invitations to additional representatives at your company for virtual interviews. We will use the email addresses provided but are not liable for inaccuracies or the conduct of your representatives. You confirm you have the authority to bind these representatives to Company’s terms.

If you choose to record virtual interviews, you must obtain all necessary consent from participants and comply with applicable laws regarding recording. Company is not obligated to store or retain these recordings. You agree to indemnify Company against any claims related to the recording of virtual interviews.

Virtual Evaluations:
Recordings and information obtained through virtual evaluations must be used solely for internal hiring purposes. These evaluations should not be used for illegal, discriminatory, or fraudulent purposes. You are responsible for creating interview questions and managing the evaluation process. Company will only submit evaluations when candidates approve their submission. Video recordings and transcripts will be retained for one year and then permanently deleted. You are responsible for compliance with any record retention requirements and ensuring that those with whom you share evaluation content have permission to view it.

10. Payment Options

Payment Structures:
Company offers multiple payment options for its services, including one-time payments, commission-based payments, and subscription fees. The details of these payment options will be specified during service selection.

One-Time Payments:
Recruiting Partners may opt for one-time payments for specific job postings or services. Payment must be made in advance, and no refunds will be issued once the service has commenced.

Commission-Based Payments:
For commission-based services, Recruiting Partners agree to pay Company a percentage of the candidate's first-year salary or other agreed-upon remuneration. The commission percentage will be outlined in a separate agreement.

Subscription Fees:
Company may offer subscription plans that provide access to a suite of recruitment tools and services. Subscription fees are billed on a recurring basis, and you may cancel your subscription at any time, subject to the terms of your plan.

Payment Methods:
All payments must be made through the methods specified on the platform, which may include credit cards, bank transfers, or digital wallets. You are responsible for ensuring that your payment information is accurate and up-to-date.

11. Intellectual Property Rights ing and Upskilling

Ownership of Content:

Recruiting Partner Content:
As a Recruiting Partner, you retain ownership of any and all content that you create, submit, or otherwise provide to the Company Platform, including but not limited to job postings, company profiles, assessments, candidate communications, and any related materials ("Recruiting Partner Content"). However, by submitting or providing such content to the Company Platform, you grant Company a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and otherwise exploit your Recruiting Partner Content in connection with the operation, promotion, and improvement of the Platform.

Company Content:
All content, materials, and intellectual property created, owned, or provided by Company, including but not limited to the Platform’s design, software, text, graphics, logos, trademarks, videos, and all other elements of the Platform ("Company Content"), are and shall remain the exclusive property of Company or its licensors. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Company Content solely for the purpose of providing your recruiting services on the Platform, subject to these Terms and Conditions.

License to Company:

By providing Recruiting Partner Content to Company, you grant Company the right to use your name, trademarks, service marks, logos, or any other identifying symbols or indicia ("Recruiting Partner Marks") associated with the Recruiting Partner Content for the purpose of promoting, marketing, and distributing your job postings and related materials on the Platform. This license includes the right for Company to use the Recruiting Partner Marks in connection with its marketing, promotional materials, advertisements, and other business-related activities.

You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary rights, licenses, and permissions to grant the license to the Recruiting Partner Content and Recruiting Partner Marks to Company as outlined in these Terms and Conditions.

Infringement Claims:

Recruiting Partner Responsibility: You represent and warrant that your Recruiting Partner Content does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Company, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, liabilities, costs, or expenses, including legal fees, arising out of or related to any claim that your Recruiting Partner Content infringes or violates any third-party intellectual property rights.

Notification of Infringement: If Company receives any notice or claim alleging that your Recruiting Partner Content infringes upon any third-party intellectual property rights, Company may, in its sole discretion, remove or disable access to the infringing content, suspend or terminate your access to the Platform, and take any other action deemed necessary to mitigate potential liability.

Use of Company Intellectual Property:

You acknowledge and agree that you shall not use, reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works of any Company Content or intellectual property, including trademarks, service marks, logos, or copyrighted materials, without the express prior written consent of Company, except as expressly permitted under these Terms and Conditions.

Any unauthorized use of Company’s intellectual property constitutes a violation of these Terms and Conditions and may result in the termination of your account, as well as potential legal action.

Derivative Works:

Any improvements, modifications, or derivative works made to the Company Platform or Company Content by you, whether made independently or in collaboration with Company, shall be the exclusive property of Company. You hereby assign any and all rights, title, and interest you may have in such improvements, modifications, or derivative works to Company and agree to execute any documents necessary to effectuate such assignment.

Third-Party Intellectual Property:

If your Recruiting Partner Content includes any third-party materials, you represent and warrant that you have obtained all necessary rights, licenses, and permissions to use such materials and to grant Company the rights to use them as described herein. You agree to provide Company with evidence of such rights, licenses, or permissions upon request.

Confidentiality and Proprietary Information:

You agree to treat as confidential and not to disclose or use any information, documents, or materials obtained from Company or through your access to the Platform that is marked as confidential or is reasonably understood to be confidential, except as required to fulfill your obligations under these Terms and Conditions or as required by law.


The provisions of this Intellectual Property Rights clause shall survive the termination or expiration of these Terms and Conditions and shall continue to bind you and Company with respect to any use or ownership of intellectual property that arises from your use of the Platform.

12. Adherence to Additional Terms

General Terms and Conditions:
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge and agree that you are also bound by the General Terms and Conditions as provided in the platform applicable to all users of the Company Platform. These General Terms and Conditions are incorporated by reference and form an integral part of this agreement.

Privacy Policy:
You further acknowledge that you have read and understood the Company Privacy Policy, which governs the collection, use, and protection of your personal information. By using the Platform, you consent to the practices described in the Privacy Policy, which is also incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions.

Additional Conditions:
In addition to the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, you agree to comply with any additional terms and conditions or policies that may be provided by Company from time to time. This includes, but is not limited to, specific terms related to individual services, features, or promotions offered by Company. Such additional terms and conditions will be provided to you as applicable and are considered part of this agreement.

General Terms and Conditions:
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge and agree that you are also bound by the General Terms and Conditions as provided in the platform applicable to all users of the Company Platform. These General Terms and Conditions are incorporated by reference and form an integral part of this agreement.

Updates and Modifications:
Company reserves the right to update or modify the General Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and any additional conditions at its sole discretion. You will be notified of any significant changes, and your continued use of the Platform after such modifications constitutes your acceptance of the revised terms.

Terms and Conditions for Learning Partners

1. Introduction:
These Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) govern the relationship between Company and the Learning Providers (“you,” “your,” or “Learning Provider”) who create and offer educational content, courses, and other learning materials (“Content”) through the Company platform. By registering as a Learning Provider and submitting your Content to the Company platform, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use the platform.

2. Eligibility and Registration:
2.1. To become a Learning Provider on the Company platform, you must be a person aged above 18 years, including but not limited to having the necessary qualifications, expertise, and legal authority to create and offer educational Content.
2.2. You must create an account on the Company platform and provide accurate, complete, and current information during the registration process. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials and are solely responsible for any activity that occurs under your account.
2.3. Company reserves the right to approve or reject any application to become a Learning Provider, at its sole discretion. You will be notified of the decision within a reasonable timeframe.

3. Content Submission and Management:
3.1. All Content submitted to the platform must be accurate, original, and compliant with applicable laws and regulations. The Content must not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights, contain any defamatory, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate material, or violate any Company policies.
3.2. By submitting Content to the Company platform, you grant Company a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable license to use, distribute, display, and perform the Content for the purposes of operating, promoting, and improving the platform. You retain all intellectual property rights in your Content, subject to the rights granted to Company under these Terms.
3.3. Company reserves the right to modify, edit, or remove any Content from the platform if it violates these Terms, any applicable law, or Company’s policies. You may also request the removal of your Content, provided that such removal does not breach any ongoing commitments or obligations under these Terms.
3.4. If, through the use of the Platform, a Job Seeker is redirected to your own site and subsequently enrolls in a course, you are required to notify Company of such enrollment. This notification will assist in calculating any applicable commission charges due to Company. Company reserves the right to calculate commissions based on enrollments that occur as a result of referrals from the Platform. You agree to provide accurate information regarding such enrollments to facilitate commission calculations.
3.5. If your Content includes materials from third parties, you are responsible for ensuring that you have obtained all necessary rights and permissions to include such materials. Company is not liable for any claims arising from your use of third-party content.

4. Responsibility of Learning Providers:
4.1. You are responsible for ensuring that your Content is of high quality, accurate, and up-to-date. You must promptly update or correct any Content that becomes outdated or inaccurate.
4.2. You are responsible for interacting with Users who access your Content, including responding to questions, providing feedback, and facilitating discussions, as applicable. You must adhere to professional standards of conduct and communication when interacting with Users.
4.3. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your Content and your use of the platform comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to intellectual property laws, data protection laws, and consumer protection laws.

5. Payment Arrangements:
5.1. Commission Payments:
5.1.1. Commission structure: Learning Providers agree to pay Company a commission fee based on the revenue generated from enrollments that occur as a result of referrals from the Platform. The commission rate will be specified in a separate agreement or schedule
5.1.2. Company will calculate the commission fees based on the number of enrollments and the applicable commission rate as mutually agreed. Company will issue invoices to Learning Providers on a monthly basis for the commission fees due.
5.1.3. Payment for commission fees is due within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice. Late payments may be subject to interest charges as specified in the invoice.
5.1.4. Company reserves the right to adjust commission calculations based on discrepancies or errors identified in the invoicing process. Learning Providers will be notified of any adjustments made.
5.2. Subscription Fees:
5.2.1. Learning Providers may be offered various subscription plans for accessing premium features or services on the Platform. The details of each subscription plan, including the fee and duration, will be specified in a separate subscription agreement or schedule.
5.2.2. Subscription fees will be billed in advance for the entire subscription period, which may be monthly, quarterly, or annually, as selected by the Learning Provider.
5.2.3. Subscriptions will automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle unless cancelled by the Learning Provider prior to the renewal date. Company will notify Learning Providers of upcoming renewals and provide an option to cancel.
5.2.4. Learning Providers may cancel their subscription at any time. However, subscription fees for the current billing cycle are non-refundable.
5.3. One-time Payments:
5.3.1. In addition to commission and subscription fees, Learning Providers may incur one-time fees for specific services or features offered by Company. These fees will be clearly communicated at the time of the transaction.
5.3.2. One-time fees are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Payment can be made through the payment methods accepted by Company.
5.3.3. One-time fees are non-refundable unless otherwise specified in the service agreement.
5.4. Payment Methods:
5.4.1. Accepted Payment Methods: Payments to Company can be made using various methods including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, electronic payment systems (e.g., PayPal), or other payment methods specified by Company.
5.4.2. Transaction Fees: Any transaction fees associated with the payment methods used will be the responsibility of the Learning Provider.
5.4.3. Processing Time: Payments may be subject to processing delays depending on the payment method used. Company is not responsible for delays caused by payment processing institutions.
5.5. Late Payments:
5.5.1. Interest on Late Payments: Late payments may incur interest charges at a rate of [specified percentage] per month or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is lower.
5.5.2. Suspension of Services: Company reserves the right to suspend access to the Platform or any services provided until all outstanding payments are received.
5.6. Refunds and Adjustments:
5.6.1. Refunds: Refunds for payments made to Company will be issued only in accordance with the terms specified in the relevant service agreement or as required by law.
5.6.2. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes related to payments should be raised within thirty (30) days of the transaction date. Company will review and resolve disputes in accordance with the terms specified in the dispute resolution process.
5.7. Taxes:
5.7.1. Responsibility for Taxes: Learning Providers are responsible for paying all applicable taxes, duties, and other governmental charges associated with their use of the Platform and the provision of services.
5.7.2. Tax Invoicing: Company will include applicable taxes in invoices where required by law. Learning Providers are responsible for ensuring that all taxes are paid in a timely manner.

6. Intellectual Property:
6.1. Ownership of Content:
6.1.1. Provider Content: As a Learning Provider, you retain ownership of any and all content that you create, submit, or otherwise provide to the Company Platform, including but not limited to course materials, videos, text, audio, assessments, and any related educational resources ("Provider Content"). However, by submitting or providing such content to the Company Platform, you grant Company a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and otherwise exploit your Provider Content in connection with the operation, promotion, and improvement of the Platform.
6.1.2. Company Content: All content, materials, and intellectual property created, owned, or provided by Company, including but not limited to the Platform’s design, software, text, graphics, logos, trademarks, videos, and all other elements of the Platform ("Company Content"), are and shall remain the exclusive property of Company or its licensors. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Company Content solely for the purpose of providing your services on the Platform, subject to these Terms and Conditions.
6.2. License to Company:6.2.1. By providing Provider Content to Company, you grant Company the right to use your name, trademarks, service marks, logos, or any other identifying symbols or indicia ("Provider Marks") associated with the Provider Content for the purpose of promoting, marketing, and distributing your courses and related materials on the Platform. This license includes the right for Company to use the Provider Marks in connection with its marketing, promotional materials, advertisements, and other business-related activities.
6.2.2. You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary rights, licenses, and permissions to grant the license to the Provider Content and Provider Marks to Company as outlined in these Terms and Conditions.
6.3. Infringement Claims:
6.3.1. Provider Responsibility: You represent and warrant that your Provider Content does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Company, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, liabilities, costs, or expenses, including legal fees, arising out of or related to any claim that your Provider Content infringes or violates any third-party intellectual property rights.
6.3.2. Notification of Infringement: If Company receives any notice or claim alleging that your Provider Content infringes upon any third-party intellectual property rights, Company may, in its sole discretion, remove or disable access to the infringing content, suspend or terminate your access to the Platform, and take any other action deemed necessary to mitigate potential liability.
6.4. Use of Company Intellectual Property:
6.4.1. You acknowledge and agree that you shall not use, reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works of any Company Content or intellectual property, including trademarks, service marks, logos, or copyrighted materials, without the express prior written consent of Company, except as expressly permitted under these Terms and Conditions.
6.4.2. Any unauthorized use of Company’s intellectual property constitutes a violation of these Terms and Conditions and may result in the termination of your account, as well as potential legal action.
6.5. Derivative Works:
6.5.1. Any improvements, modifications, or derivative works made to the Company Platform or Company Content by you, whether made independently or in collaboration with Company, shall be the exclusive property of Company. You hereby assign any and all rights, title, and interest you may have in such improvements, modifications, or derivative works to Company and agree to execute any documents necessary to effectuate such assignment.
6.6. Third-Party Intellectual Property:
6.6.1. If your Provider Content includes any third-party materials, you represent and warrant that you have obtained all necessary rights, licenses, and permissions to use such materials and to grant Company the rights to use them as described herein. You agree to provide Company with evidence of such rights, licenses, or permissions upon request.
6.7. Confidentiality and Proprietary Information:
6.7.1. You agree to treat as confidential and not to disclose or use any information, documents, or materials obtained from Company or through your access to the Platform that is marked as confidential or is reasonably understood to be confidential, except as required to fulfill your obligations under these Terms and Conditions or as required by law.
6.8. Survival:
6.8.1. The provisions of this Intellectual Property Rights clause shall survive the termination or expiration of these Terms and Conditions and shall continue to bind you and Company with respect to any use or ownership of intellectual property that arises from your use of the Platform.

7. Adherence to Additional Terms:
7.1. General Terms and Conditions: By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge and agree that you are also bound by the General Terms and Conditions as provided in the platform applicable to all users of the Company Platform. These General Terms and Conditions are incorporated by reference and form an integral part of this agreement.
7.2. Privacy Policy: You further acknowledge that you have read and understood the Company Privacy Policy, which governs the collection, use, and protection of your personal information. By using the Platform, you consent to the practices described in the Privacy Policy, which is also incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions.
7.3. Additional Conditions: In addition to the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, you agree to comply with any additional terms and conditions or policies that may be provided by Company from time to time. This includes, but is not limited to, specific terms related to individual services, features, or promotions offered by Company. Such additional terms and conditions will be provided to you as applicable and are considered part of this agreement.
7.4. Updates and Modifications: Company reserves the right to update or modify the General Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and any additional conditions at its sole discretion. You will be notified of any significant changes, and your continued use of the Platform after such modifications constitutes your acceptance of the revised terms.